I received my annual bee sting this past week! I hope it's the first and last of the season. First, I barely felt a thing. Then I noticed some swelling and redness. Before I knew it, my arm was twice its size and the pain was relentless. I applied the old baking soda paste, but I don't know that it helped. I also used some Benadryl for the itching that followed. I could feel my entire left side reacting. My legs didn't seem to work as well as I climbed steps, and there were other, either real or imaginary symptoms. Allergic reactions, possibly?? Two little red marks remain from those two attacking Yellow Jackets, but I feel well!
I'm thinking of flowers a lot today, as I've had a battle keeping mine healthy~~~actually
*alive* this summer. It's been so hot! This is our deck earlier this season and you can see a few flowers peeking from different areas. I especially love the golden one and the ferns. My husband's favorites are the Geraniums.
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